South County Hospital

South Kingstown, Rhode Island

Small changes make a big difference.

Small project with a big impact.

To reflect trends in the healthcare industry, the impact of healthcare reform, the industry’s increasing push toward ambulatory environments, and local healthcare dynamics, the 澳门足彩app team developed future market projections for South County Hospital as part of a master planning engagement. We developed and evaluated planning options and facility responses to deliver realistic, cost-efficient recommendations that support established strategic priorities. The final master plan positions the South County Hospital campus for the future with a focus on its interventional platform.

An immediate priority was right-sizing surgery and endoscopy to improve operational standards, reduce high turnaround times, and increase capacity, as well as provide additional support for cath labs and interventional radiology. The surgery and endoscopy departments were significantly below benchmark, as were the prep/recovery and PACU bays serving the departments and the interventional radiology (IR) and cath lab. The number of bays was insufficient to serve all ORs and procedure rooms and distant from the cath lab and IR procedure rooms they support.

To address these challenges, 澳门足彩app designed a phased renovation to enhance the capacity of the surgical suite and prep/recovery by adding an operating room and relocating endoscopy, cath, and IR prep/recovery to space that was underutilized. The new 700 sf OR includes robotics and surgical laser technology.

The relocated endoscopy suite includes two procedure rooms, two prep bays, two recovery bays, staff lounge, and instrument processing. The suite can accommodate a third procedure room, as well as an additional prep bay and recovery bay.

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